Supply Chain Risks

Trends in Business Risk Analytics

Author: Markus Schulze


Leveraging Data Analytics and Machine Learning to Optimize Water Usage in the Supply Chain

With the help of data analytics and machine learning, companies can now track and monitor water usage in their supply chain more effectively, allowing them to identify areas where water usage can be improved and to develop strategies to reduce water consumption.

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LogisticsShippingSupply Chain

Building Resilience in the Shipping Industry Amid Supply Chain Disruption

The shipping industry is facing a perfect storm of challenges, from the Suez Canal blockage to worker strikes, soaring fuel costs, and rocketing container prices. Manufacturers and retailers are already feeling the impact, but technology and government support can help build greater shipping resilience.

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Data AnalyticsMachine LearningSupply Chain

How Data Analytics and Machine Learning Can Help Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions

Discover how data analytics and machine learning can be used to identify and predict areas of drought, allowing companies to better prepare for water shortages and reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions.

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