Supply Chain Risks

Trends in Business Risk Analytics

About Us

We are a group of supply chain professionals dedicated to reducing risk and increasing resilience in the supply chain industry.

Our mission is to bring together supply chain practitioners, academics, and industry experts to develop data-driven solutions to create a more secure and resilient supply chain.

We understand that the supply chain is an increasingly complex, global system that is prone to disruption. We strive to create solutions that will help businesses anticipate, prepare for, and respond to supply chain risk and disruption.

We believe that data-driven solutions are essential to developing a resilient supply chain. We use analytics and data to identify potential risks and develop strategies to reduce their impact.

We are committed to providing the latest insights and research on supply chain risk and resilience to help businesses stay ahead of the curve.

Our team is constantly researching and developing new methods and technologies to help businesses reduce risk and increase resilience. Thank you for your interest in our work. We look forward to working with you to create a more secure and resilient supply chain.