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Businesses and the Climate Emergency: Mitigation and Adaptation

There is another side to the climate emergency story, and that is adaptation. Adaptation is the Cinderella of the climate emergency. It is the less glamorous, less talked about, less understood and less resourced side of the climate emergency.

Businesses have a key role to play in both mitigation and adaptation. To mitigate, businesses can reduce their own emissions, invest in renewable energy, and support the transition to a low-carbon economy. To adapt, businesses can assess their own risks and vulnerabilities, invest in resilient infrastructure, and develop strategies to protect their operations and supply chains from the impacts of climate change.

The climate emergency is a huge challenge, but it is also an opportunity. Businesses that take action now to mitigate and adapt to climate change will be better placed to survive and thrive in the future. It’s time to save Cinderella.

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Ulla Hansen

Ulla Hansen is an experienced specialist in the field of opportunity, climate emergency, challenge, and adaptation for businesses. She is passionate about finding sustainable solutions that benefit both the environment and the economy. Ulla has an in-depth understanding of the complex environmental issues facing businesses today and is dedicated to helping companies find ways to reduce their environmental impact.

3 thoughts on “Businesses and the Climate Emergency: Mitigation and Adaptation

  • This article is an insightful look into the climate emergency. I agree that businesses have a key role to play in both mitigation and adaptation. Its encouraging to see them take action now to protect their operations and supply chains. Its time to save Cinderella indeed!

  • Good article! I’ve seen first-hand how businesses that have implemented climate change adaptation strategies have been much better prepared for the future. Its great to see that businesses are now taking the initiative to save Cinderella!

  • Very informative article! I’m glad businesses are taking the initiative to play a role in both mitigation and adaptation. It’s encouraging to see them take the steps to protect their operations and supply chains from climate change.

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