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Bioceres Crop Solutions Pushes for GMO Wheat to Fight Global Hunger

The global food supply is facing a crisis due to the Ukraine war and more extreme weather patterns, leading to rising food prices and the risk of global famines. In response, Argentina’s Bioceres Crop Solutions (BIOX.BA) is pushing to develop genetically modified (GMO) wheat that is drought resistant. The company is now planning to carry out field tests of its GMO wheat in Australia and seek planting approvals next year.

Bioceres CEO Federico Trucco called the Russia-Ukraine conflict a “reality check” for global food supplies, helping to make the case for GMO wheat. Australia has already approved the consumption of food derived from Bioceres’ GMO wheat, but only Argentina has authorized planting of the company’s HB4 wheat. Brazil is also test planting HB4 wheat in the dry ‘Cerrado’ savanna region.

Trucco said the next phase in the internationalization of GMO wheat is Australia, and Bioceres plans to start the formal regulatory process seeking planting approval next year with the aiming of getting the green light in 2024. The company is also in talks to take a majority stake in a new venture in Australia with the local arm of U.S.-listed S&W Seed (SANW.O) that would incorporate that firm’s wheat business.

Australia’s Department of Health said there was no timeline for a decision on approving Bioceres’ HB4 wheat for planting as it had not yet formally received the application. Trucco said he hoped also to get a green light in the United States, where the firm has requested planting and consumption approvals from the Agriculture Department (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration.

Consumer opposition to wheat has lingered, and seed company Monsanto shelved plans to develop genetically engineered wheat in the United States in 2004. Trucco said that a natural future step for the company would be to target approvals in Russia and Ukraine for its GMO wheat, but for now the two major producers of the grain were a ‘no go’ area due to the conflict.

Bioceres’ GMO wheat could be a game-changer in the global food supply, providing a drought-resistant crop that could help alleviate the risk of global famines. The company is now seeking planting approvals in Australia and the United States, and is in talks to take a majority stake in a new venture in Australia. If successful, Bioceres’ GMO wheat could be a major step forward in the fight against global hunger.

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Lina Garcia

Lina Garcia is a highly experienced GMO Wheat Specialist with a deep understanding of the complex issues surrounding the use of genetically modified wheat in Argentina. She has worked with Monsanto, Bioceres Crop Solutions, and other leading organizations to develop innovative solutions to global famines.

3 thoughts on “Bioceres Crop Solutions Pushes for GMO Wheat to Fight Global Hunger

  • Wow, dis is amazin’ news! Bioceres is doing a great job in developing GMO wheat to fight global hunger. It’s amazing how much difference this could make. Do you think other countries will follow suit?

  • This is a great step forward in the fight against hunger! I’m glad to see companies like Bioceres taking the lead in developing GMO wheat. Does anyone have a recommendation for other companies doing similar work?

  • This is great news! I’m glad to see Bioceres is taking the lead in developing GMO wheat. Does anyone know if there are other companies doing similar work? I’m lookin’ for some recommendations.

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