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NFU Calls on Defra to Investigate Egg Supply Chain Disruption

The NFU has called on Defra to investigate the egg supply chain disruption and to consider making a declaration under the Agriculture Act 2020 to provide much-needed support for egg producers.

The Government has said that the UK’s food supply chain is “resilient” and that no “significant impact” is expected overall. However, supermarkets have taken the precautionary measure of limiting the number of boxes of eggs customers can buy, with Tesco joining Asda and Lidl in introducing a temporary buying limit of three boxes per customer.

The NFU’s president Minette Batters said it is “critical” that the Government acts now to give producers “the confidence they need”. She said that the NFU raised concerns about the functionality of the supply chain with Defra a number of months ago in the hope of avoiding the current situation.

The UK is facing its largest ever bout of bird flu, which is compounding existing shortages caused by producers cutting back on output or leaving the industry due to increased costs. Energy price inflation and supply chain disruption have added to the worst outbreak in Avian Influenza yet, and demand for eggs is also up as consumers seek out cheaper sources of protein to offset soaring food bills.

It is essential that the Government takes action to investigate the issues in the egg supply chain and to provide the necessary support to egg producers. This will ensure that the UK’s food supply chain remains resilient and that consumers have access to quality British eggs and poultry meat.

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Maria Kostenko

Maria Kostenko is an experienced egg supply chain specialist with expertise in NFU, DEFRA, Avian Influenza, Ukraine, the poultry sector, egg prices, feed raw materials, and energy-intensive manufacturing costs. She has worked in the industry for over 10 years and has a deep understanding of the complexities of the egg supply chain. Maria is passionate about finding solutions to the challenges facing the industry and is committed to helping ensure the sustainability of the egg supply chain.

3 thoughts on “NFU Calls on Defra to Investigate Egg Supply Chain Disruption

  • Chidi Ume-Ezeoke

    I agree with the NFU’s call to action on Defra to investigate the egg supply chain disruption and to provide much-needed support for egg producers. Is there any update on the Government’s action so far? It is important that they take the necessary steps to ensure the UK’s food supply chain remains resilent.

  • Esta situación es preocupante. Espero que el gobierno investigue la interrupción de la cadena de suministro de huevos y tome las medidas necesarias para apoyar a los productores de huevos. ¿Alguien tiene recomendaciones de proveedores de huevos confiables?

  • Abidah Akhtar

    It is indeed essential that the government takes the necessary steps to investigate the egg supply chain disruption and provide support for egg producers. I have personally had a great experience with the UK’s food supply chain in the past and I hope that the Government can take action to help producers and ensure that consumers continue to have access to quality British eggs.

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