Supply Chain Risks

Trends in Business Risk Analytics

AutomotiveStrategySupply Chain

How Automakers Can Turn Disruption into Opportunity

The global automotive supply chain is a complex and ever-evolving system, and it is essential for automakers to stay ahead of the curve in order to remain competitive. With the rapid pace of technological advancement, it is more important than ever for automakers to be prepared for potential disruptions in the supply chain. In an interview with David Shillingford, Chief Strategy Officer of Everstream Analytics,’s Ron Hesse discussed the different types of risks that automakers should be aware of and how they can turn disruption into opportunity.
According to Shillingford, the automotive industry is facing a number of risks, including the potential for supply chain disruptions due to geopolitical events, natural disasters, and the emergence of new technologies. He also noted that the industry is facing an increased risk of cyberattacks, which can have a devastating effect on the supply chain. In order to address these risks, Shillingford suggested that automakers should focus on three key areas: digital transformation, risk management, and collaboration.
Digital transformation is essential for automakers to remain competitive in the global automotive supply chain. Shillingford noted that leading companies are leveraging digital technologies to create more efficient and effective supply chains. This includes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to automate processes, as well as the use of predictive analytics to anticipate potential disruptions. Additionally, digital technologies can be used to create more transparent and secure supply chains.
Risk management is also an important part of the automotive supply chain. Shillingford suggested that automakers should develop a comprehensive risk management strategy that includes both proactive and reactive measures. This should include the use of data and analytics to identify potential risks, as well as the implementation of measures to mitigate those risks. Additionally, automakers should develop contingency plans in case of a disruption in the supply chain.
Finally, Shillingford emphasized the importance of collaboration in the automotive supply chain. He noted that leading companies are leveraging partnerships and collaborations to create more resilient supply chains. This includes the use of digital platforms to facilitate collaboration between suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Additionally, automakers should look for opportunities to collaborate with other industries, such as the aerospace and defense industries, in order to share best practices and create more resilient supply chains.
Overall, the global automotive supply chain is a complex and ever-evolving system, and it is essential for automakers to stay ahead of the curve in order to remain competitive. By leveraging digital transformation, risk management, and collaboration, automakers can turn disruption into opportunity and create more resilient and secure supply chains. By following the advice of experts like David Shillingford, automakers can ensure that they are prepared for any potential disruptions in the supply chain.

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Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson is a with over 25 years of experience in the automotive industry. He is an expert in supply chain disruption and strategy, digital transformation, and everstream analytics. He is a frequent contributor to, where he shares his insights on the latest trends and opportunities in the automotive industry.

3 thoughts on “How Automakers Can Turn Disruption into Opportunity

  • Priyanka

    This is an excellent article highlighting the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the automotive supply chain. I agree with David Shillingford that leveraging digital transformation and collaborations are essential for automakers to remain competitive. Using AI and machine learning for predictive analytics can be very effective in anticipating disruptions.

  • Very insightful article. Automakers should definitely focus on digital transformation, risk management and collaboration to stay ahead in the competition. AI and machine learning can be very useful in automating processes and predicting disruptions.

  • Great article. I tink automakers should use machine learning to help mitigated risk and anticipate disruptions. Do author have any case studies of companies that have successfuly used AI and machine learning in their supply chain?

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