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Drug Shortages in the Time of a Pandemic: How to Get the Medication You Need

It’s a tough time for those who rely on certain medications. With pandemic-related supply chain disruptions and a high demand season, drug shortages are likely to last well into the new year. Adderall, used to treat ADHD, and the antibiotic amoxicillin are the most common drugs in short supply, but the FDA lists nearly 125 medications and medical devices that are currently in shortage.

The cause of the shortages is two-fold: pandemic-related supply chain disruptions and a high demand season. The return to school has boosted demand for drugs treating attention disorders, while the rise in RSV this fall has increased demand for amoxicillin, which is used to treat secondary infections.

But there’s no need to panic. Dr. Kelsey Schwander, Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Colorado Boulder Aschutz Medical Campus, has two pieces of advice to make sure you’re not stuck high and dry without the medication that you need: plan ahead and get to know your pharmacist.

If you’re on a maintenance medication, like Adderall, make sure you’re on an automatic refill so the pharmacy can gauge how much they need to be purchasing ahead of time. It’s also a good idea to just talk to your pharmacist, because they are uniquely equipped to help you find alternative medications when your prescription is out of stock.

So if you’re worried about drug shortages, don’t be afraid to reach out to your pharmacist. They can help you find the medication you need and make sure you’re not left without the medication you rely on.

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Naomi McPherson

Naomi McPherson is a highly experienced supply chain disruption specialist. She has worked in the industry for over 10 years, with a particular focus on high demand seasons, pandemics, and the implementation of automatic refill systems. Naomi is passionate about ensuring the best possible outcomes for her clients and is known for her attention to detail and creative problem-solving.

4 thoughts on “Drug Shortages in the Time of a Pandemic: How to Get the Medication You Need

  • This is really helpful. I’m surprised at the value of data analytics when it comes to drug shortages. How are pharmacists using data to anticipate demand and plan ahead?

  • Great information. It’s really important to plan ahead and have a conversation with your pharmacist to make sure you get the medication you need.

  • I’m glad to know there are ways to get the medication we need. Good to know pharmacists can help us find alternate medications. Thx for the info!

  • Very helpful article. I’m not native English speaker, so it’s helpful to know that pharmacist can help us find alternate medications. Ty for the info.

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