Supply Chain Risks

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Global Arms Sales Rise Despite Supply Chain Challenges

The latest SIPRIorg report shows that global arms sales rose for the seventh straight year, increasing by 1.9% to $592 billion in 2021. Despite significant supply chain challenges, the United States accounted for more than half of all sales. This is a stark reminder that our economy prioritizes profits over people, leading to unnecessary violence and death. It makes us less safe. We must prioritize human security over military security and invest in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. We must also ensure that arms sales are not used to fuel human rights abuses and violations of international law. Only then can we create a safer and more secure world for all.

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Jana Schreiber

Jana Schreiber is an experienced professional in the field of conflict resolution, human security, arms sales, and human rights. She specializes in finding creative solutions to conflicts and advocating for the rights of all involved. She has worked with governments, international organizations, and civil society to resolve conflicts and build peace. She is an expert in policy analysis, negotiation, and mediation.

3 thoughts on “Global Arms Sales Rise Despite Supply Chain Challenges

  • Wow, I was surprised to see that global arms sales have risen to $592 billion. It’s completely unacceptable that the US is driving this increase. We need to prioritize human security and invest in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. How can we ensure that arms sales are not used to fuel human rights abuses?

  • Anastasia Kostas

    This report is eye-opening. It’s essential that we prioritize human security and invest in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Author, do you have any advice for individuals looking to support companies that prioritize peacebuilding and human security?

  • This is such an important topic to discuss. It’s sad that the US is driving this increase, but I am glad that the article is pushing for human security over military security. We need to invest in peacebuilding and conflict prevention to create a safer world.

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