Supply Chain Risks

Trends in Business Risk Analytics

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Susan Robinson

Susan Robinson is a highly experienced and respected specialist in the field of global economy, climate finance, supply chain, and global debt vulnerabilities. She has worked in the field for over 25 years, providing critical insights to governments, corporations, and non-governmental organisations. Her expertise is sought after throughout the world, and she is frequently invited to speak at conferences and seminars.

5 thoughts on “US and India Strengthen Commitment to Combat Supply Chain Disruptions

  • This is amazinh news! India and the US have come a long way in terms of their relationship. It’s great to see them working together to promote growth and stability in the region. I’m curious to knoe what the outcome of the Financial Regulatory Dialogue will be.

  • This is great news. The US-India relationship is a perfect example of how strong economic ties can be beneficial for both countries. I’m looking forward to seeing what the partnership will bring in the future.

  • This is an inspiring news. India and the US have come a long way in terms of strengthening their commitment towards the global economy. I’m sure the partnership will bring more growth and prosperity to the region.

  • This is an interesting development. It’s good to see both countries taking steps to combat supply chain disruptions and strengthen the financial sector. Does anyone have any recommendations for companies working in this field?

  • I’m so glad to see India and the US reaffirm their commitment to multilaterally addressing global supply-side disruptions. I’m sure this will help reduce food and fuel inflation.

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